Blue Moon, acrylics on board, 2002
I am cross-disciplinary artist working in most genre of art practice from large land art to video, painting, life drawing and photography as well as text based work, performance and conceptual work. My process has always been a personal meditative practice using whatever methods necessary to achieve its purpose.
I find the tensions between the creative act and the artefact fascinating which has drawn me at times to appreciate anti art movements such as Dada.
I often find that a process is initiated randomly and unconsciously, the meaning of which is not clear until I can achieve that meditative state which give me access to my unconscious intentions. I guess you could call me a Neo-Surrealist in that respect. My work is metaphysical and alchemical nature.
I am interested in contemporary art developments, particularly conceptual and performance art which I practiced early on in my career. From this you will find a strand of my work influenced by Arte Povera.
All I know is that there is always more to be revealed in creative practice and I can think of no greater pleasure than exploring its infinite possibilities.
I find the tensions between the creative act and the artefact fascinating which has drawn me at times to appreciate anti art movements such as Dada.
I often find that a process is initiated randomly and unconsciously, the meaning of which is not clear until I can achieve that meditative state which give me access to my unconscious intentions. I guess you could call me a Neo-Surrealist in that respect. My work is metaphysical and alchemical nature.
I am interested in contemporary art developments, particularly conceptual and performance art which I practiced early on in my career. From this you will find a strand of my work influenced by Arte Povera.
All I know is that there is always more to be revealed in creative practice and I can think of no greater pleasure than exploring its infinite possibilities.